The wheels, alongside the tires, are a crucial component in your vehicle’s safety system. If you fail to do an excellent job with the wheel alignment, you will endanger not just yours but every living thing around you. This article will explore how proper wheel alignment can save lives and how improper wheel alignment can lead to devastating scenarios.
What happens when we do a poor job with wheel alignment:
Wheel alignment is crucial because, if done improperly, it will create rapid tire wear, which increases the chance of your tires failing and making a fiasco on the road. Bad tires are one of the leading causes of car accidents around the world. If your tires wear out, heat will start building up to unsafe levels, which will lead to them blowing out.
According to
this survey, led by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, tire blowouts and worn tires are responsible for 35%(over 14,000) of all car crashes due to mechanical failure.
Now that we have established why wheel alignment is so important, here are some of the most common symptoms of bad wheel alignment so that you will know when it’s time to get fixing:
Vibration in the steering wheel: This is an activity to keep in mind because if there’s even a minor issue with your wheel alignment, the steering wheel will start vibrating. Unfortunately, steering wheel vibration can also mean many different issues, so you should leave your vehicle’s condition to a certified mechanic.
Tilting toward one side of the road: To figure out if your vehicle has this problem, find a straight road where the traffic is absent, start your car while keeping your hands relaxed on the steering. If the vehicle begins drifting toward left or right, the wheel alignment is poor.
Being unable to make a smooth turn: Does your vehicle have an issue with making turns? If it takes a couple of seconds to make an actual turn, you need to get your car to a mechanic immediately. If you cannot make immediate turns, your vehicle is endangering everybody’s lives on the road.
Squealing tires: As we mentioned before, poor wheel alignment can cause rapid tire wear—the easiest way to figure out how bad the wear is to look for a squealing sound. If the squealing sound is loud, it means the wear is quite bad, and you need a safety inspection immediately.
A good wheel alignment prevents all of that from happening and also creates the smooth, calm, and at the same time exciting type of driving that we all crave more of nowadays. Although you CAN do the alignment yourself, we recommend consulting with a professional because this is a matter of smooth driving and safety on the road.
We’ve made it our mission to help you out with anything car-related, especially wheel alignment! Our mechanics will give you a thorough inspection for a competitive price and ensure that you leave satisfied and happy!
Contact Dubwerx today for an appointment with our specialist technicians. And don’t forget to
follow us on Facebook for news and updates. We look forward to meeting you and your Audi, Volkswagen, or Porsche. We are located at 6323 Madison Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45227, and our hours are Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM.