Keeping Your Vehicle Organized in 2023
New Year, New Car Goals! Even if a brand-new vehicle isn’t on the horizon in 2023, you can start your year caring about your car like it is brand new.
One of the easiest ways to show your vehicle some love in the new year is to keep it clean and organized. Now, this is definitely easier said than done–especially for parents! But I have a few organization hacks (three to be exact) that I’ve seen work before. Excellent customers and great friends alike have inspired the list below!
Before hopping into the hacks, I wanted to discuss the broken window theory. This theory, standard in criminology, states that people are more likely to commit crimes if they see other visible signs of crime, such as a broken window on a building.
While this has been debunked by some criminology reviews and is standard in others, an essential premise remains whether it's true. Who among us isn’t more likely to pile dirty dishes in the sink if there is already something in there or add more trash to our cupholder if there is already a crumpled receipt in it?
I think about this when keeping my vehicle organized and clean. On those days when work has been long, and I just want to get inside, I remind myself that leaving my mug or a fast food back for later means I might pile stuff on top of it as the week goes on. Believe it or not, this helps me keep my car organized!
Setting a designated time to get in your car and clear out any clutter will also keep your car organized. This will keep clutter from piling up, and the piling up really gets us in trouble. Depending on how fast-paced your life is, you can set up a ten-minute-a-week or two-minute-a-day appointment to ensure your car is in tip-top shape.
Are you an indoor mountain climber? Are your kids junior drummer rock stars? Is your car filled with stuff that needs to be there for practices or after-work gym sessions? If there are things that need to be in your vehicle but really make things feel cluttered, why not utilize bins!
Most discount and dollar stores will have bins of all different sizes that you can add to your car to declutter. This also helps you keep your items organized–your kids will always know where their cleats are. Your significant other will always know where to find the tennis rackets.
Do you have a junk drawer in your car?
So many of us use the glove compartment as a junk drawer, even though this is not what it’s supposed to be used for! I recently saw a TikTok video where a person tried to name everything they had in their junk drawer with their eyes closed. If they didn’t name it, they tossed it. This would be an excellent idea for your vehicle (sans any essential documents, of course!).
Make a new designated spot for these items, and ensure a trash receptacle in your vehicle, so you’re not tempted to stuff things in your compartments again.
And once you are organized inside your vehicle, let us keep everything in order under your hood! If you are in the area of Cincinnati, Ohio,
Contact Dubwerx today for an appointment with our specialist technicians! And don't forget to
follow us on Facebook for news and updates. We look forward to meeting you and your Audi, Volkswagen, or Porsche. We are located at 6323 Madison Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45227, our hours are Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM.